Old Yale Brewing Co. – Outta Wack Mango Wheat


4.1 out of 5
4 out of 5
3.8 out of 5
3.8 out of 5


3.9 out of 5


  • Brewery: Old Yale Brewing Co.
  • Beer Style: Fruit Beer, Wheat Ale
  • Pros:

    Mango is quite enjoyable and compliments wheat tones

  • Cons:

    Quite Sweet

  • Conclusion:

    Nice, balanced flavour in a well-sweetened package


Old Yale Brewing Co. – Outta Wack Mango Wheat Review

The latest from the Old Yale Brewing Company is a seasonal ale called the Outta Wack Mango Wheat. This cloudy, golden colour ale pours with two fingers of moderately dispersing head smells of mango, citrus and even a touch of vanilla in a sweat and fragrant wheat based aroma. The flavour is big on the mango with a creamy and smooth texture. The wheat tones are up front with the mango flavours is a sweet and refreshing duo. The overall flavour is rather sweet but the mango is quite delicious. If you take to the whole bottle the enjoyment factor may dwindle at the end but overall for a fruit-heavy summer ale this is rather enjoyable.

Alcohol – 5.0%
Size – 650ml bottles
Price – $6.15 (Hastings St. Liquor)
oldyalebrewing.com (not on website)

2013_08_Thormanby-7509 2013_08_Thormanby-7514

About Author

Dustan Sept

Dustan Sept is the founder of Beer Me BC. His passion for craft beer drove the creation of beermebc.com in 2012. To learn more about the beermebc.com editorial team visit beermebc.com/the-beer-me-bc-team/.


  1. Bobby
    Bobby 21 September, 2013, 23:00

    Wow, the ladies love it!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hence…so do I.

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  2. Kenny
    Kenny 21 September, 2013, 23:02

    Mango, mango I just want to tango after only one outa wack!!!!!!!!!

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  3. Kenny
    Kenny 21 September, 2013, 23:03

    Whoops…forgot to rate this great fresh beer.

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  4. Kenny
    Kenny 21 September, 2013, 23:05

    One last try….should this not work as it should, be advised I rated this 10 out of 10.

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  5. mikescraftbeer
    mikescraftbeer 26 September, 2013, 09:51

    I really liked this mango wheat. The mango really gave it some character.

    Reply this comment

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