Dead Frog Brewery – Obsidian Dagger IPA Noire
- Brewery: Dead Frog Brewing Co.
- Beer Style: Black India Pale Ale
- Pros:
Nice balance of dark richness and hop bitterness
- Cons:
Rather heavy for an IPA
- Conclusion:
A big and heavy dark flavoured beer with hop bitterness to boot.
Dead Frog Brewery – Obsidian Dagger IPA Noire Review
The Obsidian Dagger represents a simple but profound divestiture from the Dead Frog Brewery’s traditional ways. This black and white labeled beer marks a further step in the re-branding efforts of a remarkably improved and evolving brewery. The Obsidian Dagger is a black IPA from Aldergrove’s Dead Frog Brewery and it pours from the bomber bottle a deep and dark, brown colour that lets a very slight amount of light through. Topped with a finger and a half of dense and lacing head the Obsidan Dagger smells roasted-malt forward for an IPA but with it comes notes of chocolate and a bite of northwest style hops. The flavour is of a dark and delicious ale that has the body of a porter with the building hops of an IPA. The flavour has nice roasted malts and chocolate tones that build to a bitter-chocolate infused dry-hop finish. The malts balance the bitterness however and while the hops may be relatively big the beer is quite balanced making for a very enjoyable, level-headed black IPA. This beer represents another notch up the ladder for Dead Frog as the Obsidian Dagger is at the top of the heap in their diverse and evolved line of beers.
Alcohol – 6.5%
IBU – 50
Size – 650ml bottles
Price – $6.70 (Private Liquor Store)