Dageraad and Brassneck Collaboration Uncomfortable Silence Dark Belgian Ale

Dageraad Brassneck Uncomfortable Silence


3.5 out of 5
3.75 out of 5
3.5 out of 5
4.25 out of 5


3.8 out of 5


  • Brewery: Brassneck Brewing Co., Dageraad Brewing Co.
  • Beer Style: Brettanomyces, Dark Ale
  • Pros:

    Rich beer with plenty of character and mouthfeel from the Brettanomyces

  • Cons:

    Complex flavours lacking somewhat in cherry presence

  • Conclusion:

    A beer offering many rich flavours that should age well but lacking in cherry flavours that would elevate it further

Dageraad Brassneck Uncomfortable Silence BottleDageraad and Brassneck Collaboration Uncomfortable Silence Dark Belgian Ale Review

Dageraad Brewing has teamed up with Brassneck Brewing to create this special collaboration dark Belgian ale made with Montmorency cherries and Brettanomyces. The beer pours from the 750mL bottle a slightly cloudy ruby colour with one finger of quickly dissipating off-white head. As the foam dissipates it leaves no lacing on the glass. The beer offers aromas of hay and barnyard funk, along with some some earthy tones and notes of rich fruit. The flavour is grassy and yeasty with some definite lactic flavours from the Brettanomyces. These flavours are followed by woody notes and a slight tartness, with a subtle cherry flavour on the finish. The cherry flavour could be more prominent but this may come out with age. The mouthfeel is weighty and smooth making for a rich and delicious beer.

Alcohol – 8.5%
Size – 750mL

Dageraad Brassneck Uncomfortable SilenceDageraad Brassneck Uncomfortable Silence Close-up

About Author

Jeremy Nemanishen

Jeremy is the founder of craftbeervancouver.ca and a contributor to Beer Me BC. He has a passion for promoting all things relating to craft beer. To learn more about the beermebc.com editorial team visit beermebc.com/the-beer-me-bc-team/.

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